Dwelling Type Status of the Stock by Location and Retrofit status

Retrofitted Dwelling
A dwelling is considered retrofitted if it has a BER rating of B2 or above, and was built prior to 2011
New Build
A dwelling is considered to be a new build if it has a BER rating of B2 or above, and was built in 2011 or later.
Requiring Retrofit
A dwelling is considered to require retrofit if it has a BER rating of B3 or below.

An area is considered to be urban if the area is within Dublin, Cork City, Limerick City, Galway City or Waterford City.
An area is considered to be rural if the area is not within Dublin, Cork City, Limerick City, Galway City or Waterford City.

BER Defn Platform Defn
End of terrace house Terrace
Mid-terrace house
Semi-detached house Semi Detached
Top-floor apartment Apartment
Mid-floor apartment
Ground-floor apartment
Detached house Detached
Basement Dwelling Other

Table 1


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